
Small To Medium-Sized Companies

Piktogramm: muss noch eines ausgewählt werden

Die Datenströme eines Unternehmens sind das Nervengerüst der Organisation, aber was ist ein neuronales Netz wert ohne absolute Zuverlässigkeit, hohe Geschwindigkeit und Flexibilität?

Unsere IT- und Netzwerklösungen stehen für verlässlich arbeitende und abgesicherte Datenintegrität – einer Basis, die immer gilt! Ausgehend von diesem Fundament haben wir die Dynamik der Geschäftswelt im Blick, kennen die Anforderungen für den flexiblen und gleichzeitig schnellen und sicheren Zugriff auf alle wichtigen Daten von außerhalb.
And what if the company develops, grows or opens new locations?
Unsere Lösungen sind flexibel und wachsen mit! Sprechen Sie uns an, wir erklären Ihnen gerne in einem persönlichen Gespräch, was uns und unsere Arbeit unterscheidet.


Piktogramm: Stethoskop

Unsere maßgeschneiderten IT-Lösungen für Praxen stellen sicher, dass Sie sich auf das konzentrieren können, was am wichtigsten ist – Ihre Patienten. Mit höchster Sicherheit und Schnelligkeit unterstützen wir Ihre täglichen Abläufe und Datenmanagement.

In medizinischen Praxen nehmen Reliability, Security und Effizienz einen zentralen Stellenwert ein. Bei cherub-Systems erkennen wir die einzigartigen Herausforderungen und Bedürfnisse Ihrer Praxis. Aus diesem Grund bieten wir IT-Lösungen an, die speziell darauf abzielen, Ihre Praxisabläufe zu unterstützen und zu optimieren.

Unsere Systeme legen besonderen Wert auf den Schutz sensibler Patientendaten, schnellen Datenzugriff und einen störungsfreien Betrieb. Zudem ermöglichen unsere Lösungen ein geräteübergreifendes Arbeiten. Dies stellt einen erheblichen Vorteil dar, da Ihre Mitarbeiter nicht an einen festen Arbeitsplatz gebunden sind und ihre Aufgaben nahtlos überall fortsetzen können.

Wir erkennen die Einzigartigkeit jeder Praxis und gestalten Lösungen, die perfekt zu Ihren individuellen Anforderungen passen. Sei es die Vernetzung und Sicherheit Ihrer Geräte oder die Optimierung Ihrer Dateninfrastruktur – cherub-Systems ist in jeder Situation Ihr verlässlicher Ansprechpartner und sorgt dafür, dass Sie technologisch bestens aufgestellt sind.


We cannot provide general cost information as each project is subject to individual framework conditions. It is very important to us not to offer you unnecessary products or services. You can always rely on transparent, open and fair advice and communication with us.
Legal Care

Piktogramm: Waage (Rechtssymbol) oder Formular und Stift

As a legal guardian, you need IT systems that are as reliable and responsible as you are. Our specialized services give you the security and efficiency you need to do your important work.

The job of a carer is of immense importance and as a carer you have a lot of responsibility. They significantly influence the well-being and rights of people who rely on support.

From our own experience, through our work as legal guardians, we know the specific problems and challenges that this profession brings with it. It is precisely this knowledge that motivated us to develop systems that are tailored precisely to these challenges. Our solutions minimize or even correct many of the everyday problems in order to make the care process more efficient and simpler.

By digitally storing your clients' data and official forms, we would like to support you with our specialized solutions in optimizing your work processes and making them more efficient. You also benefit directly from increased flexibility. The data is available anywhere and at any time – whether in the office, at home or on the go. This not only speeds up decision-making processes, but also enables smoother communication with those you care for and other people involved. In this way, you also save paper storage, protect the environment and save printing costs.

As an optional extension, we offer an advanced document management system (DMS). With the DMS you use an AI-supported and self-learning platform. You can find further functionalities of the DMS here:

Inhalt des Infozeichens bei Hovern:

  • OCR

    Makes scanned documents searchable

  • Automatic sorting

    The documents can be automatically categorized and sorted based on the recognized data.

  • User-friendly web interface

    Easily access and manage your documents from any device.

  • Tagging

    Allows flexible and easy organization of documents.

  • Advanced search functions

    You can search documents based on their content, tags, dates, and other criteria.

  • Security

    Documents can be stored encrypted to ensure privacy and security.


We cannot provide general cost information as each project is subject to individual framework conditions. It is very important to us not to offer you unnecessary products or services. You can always rely on transparent, open and fair advice and communication with us.

Law Firms

Symbol: Paragraph und/oder Waage

Für Kanzleien bieten wir IT-Lösungen, die höchste Sicherheitsstandards erfüllen.
Schützen Sie sensible Daten und optimieren Sie Arbeitsabläufe mit unseren spezialisierten

Wir heben uns ab durch maßgeschneiderte IT-Lösungen, die präzise an die einzigartigen Bedürfnisse Ihrer Kanzlei angeglichen werden können, um bestmögliche Leistungsfähigkeit sicherzustellen.

Unsere Lösungen für Kanzleien nutzen modernste Technologien und verschlüsselte Netzwerke, um die Integrität und Vertraulichkeit Ihrer Daten zu gewährleisten. Darüber hinaus optimieren wir die Datenverwaltung und bieten ein hohes Maß an Security. Wir legen besonderen Wert auf die Benutzerfreundlichkeit unserer Systeme, um sicherzustellen, dass die Technologie Ihre Arbeit unterstützt. Gemeinsame Ablagen, die von jedem Arbeitsplatz aus erreichbar sind, fördern die Schnelligkeit und Effektivität der Zusammenarbeit.

Bei weiteren Fragen zu unseren spezialisierten Dienstleistungen und wie wir den spezifischen Bedürfnissen Ihrer Kanzlei gerecht werden können, stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung.

Als optionale Erweiterung bieten wir ein fortschrittliches Dokumentenmanagementsystem (DMS) an. Mit dem DMS nutzen Sie eine KI-gestützte und selbstlernende Plattform.

Weitere Funktionalitäten des DMS finden Sie hier i Inhalt des Infozeichens bei Hovern:

  • OCR

    Macht gescannte Dokumente durchsuchbar.

  • Automatic sorting

    The documents can be automatically categorized and sorted based on the recognized data.

  • User-friendly web interface

    Easily access and manage your documents from any device.

  • Tagging

    Allows flexible and easy organization of documents.

  • Advanced search functions

    You can search documents based on their content, tags, dates, and other criteria.

  • Security

    Documents can be stored encrypted to ensure privacy and security.


We cannot provide general cost information as each project is subject to individual framework conditions. It is very important to us not to offer you unnecessary products or services. You can always rely on transparent, open and fair advice and communication with us.
CAD Drawings

Piktogramm: Zeichenbrett

Our specialized IT solutions for the CAD area are designed to ensure that you can always work with maximum efficiency. You benefit from high-speed data delivery that enables seamless and trouble-free drafting and design, regardless of the complexity of your projects.

Our IT solutions stand for lightning-fast data provision, allowing you to move forward with your CAD projects without delay. Flexibility is very important to us: you can access your projects from different workstations, be it in the office, in the home office or on the go. This keeps your work flowing and productive, regardless of location and without compromising security.


We cannot provide general cost information as each project is subject to individual framework conditions. It is very important to us not to offer you unnecessary products or services. You can always rely on transparent, open and fair advice and communication with us.
Post Production

Piktogramm: Filmklappe

Our tailor-made IT solutions for post-production are designed to offer you maximum editing efficiency. With our high-speed data delivery, you can enjoy smooth, trouble-free video and photo editing - even on the most demanding projects.

Lightning-fast data access is at the heart of our IT infrastructure, meaning your post-production tasks can be implemented without delay. Our systems are designed so flexibly that you can remain creative at different work locations - whether office, home office or mobile - without sacrificing data integrity and security. Our system solutions are scalable and can adapt to the growing needs of your company. With a centralized IT infrastructure, you not only significantly reduce your costs, but also increase the security of your data. Bundling resources enables more efficient use of hardware and software while reducing administrative effort.


We cannot provide general cost information as each project is subject to individual framework conditions. It is very important to us not to offer you unnecessary products or services. You can always rely on transparent, open and fair advice and communication with us.

Piktogramm: offizielles Kuberneteslogo? -> Markenrechte?

In addition to our extensive IT services, we offer specialized skills in the area of ​​Kubernetes. Whether for complex use cases or specific project requirements - our team is ideally equipped with in-depth know-how and practical experience to implement scalable, efficient and secure container orchestration solutions. Trust our expertise to future-proof your containerized applications.


We cannot provide general cost information as each project is subject to individual framework conditions. It is very important to us not to offer you unnecessary products or services. You can always rely on transparent, open and fair advice and communication with us.


As a modern addition to our proven ZFS solutions, with Ceph we offer you a highly available and flexible storage solution that meets today's requirements for scalability and reliability.

Ceph is a highly available storage solution designed specifically for scenarios where resiliency and scalability are paramount. Unlike traditional file systems like ZFS, Ceph is designed to seamlessly span multiple servers, allowing for continued uptime and seamless data access even if a component fails. Ceph also offers unique flexibility through its object storage architecture, allowing storage resources to be dynamically adjusted and distributed without sacrificing performance - a clear advantage over ZFS-based solutions when it comes to managing petabyte-sized data sets. With Ceph, you get a resilient IT infrastructure that not only grows with your company, but also meets the increasing requirements for data availability and security.


We cannot provide general cost information as each project is subject to individual framework conditions. It is very important to us not to offer you unnecessary products or services. You can always rely on transparent, open and fair advice and communication with us.